To Ted, l viewed Steven Haywards video -- and found it totally refreshing, and to the point.
The one point that I would make to his comment - if I understood it correctly was "...maybe Net Zero is better than no fossil-fuels at all..." -- not all fossil based products are bad - we use then in every day life for all sorts of product lines.
It's just the practice of burning fossil-fuels for producing electricity and powering vehicles -that has to stop -- and can now that Tesla based "electronically produced" / clean electric power production has been perfected.
And I feel that practice has to end sooner than later -- if there is going to be any kind of environment left for "human enjoyment" as we know it.
We, i.e., humans - are really bad at adapting to environmental change in a quick manner, while History shows that the rest of the world - based on the known gyrations of environmental history - should "soldier on" as Mother Earth endeavors to heal itself - if we stop.
To Ted, l viewed Steven Haywards video -- and found it totally refreshing, and to the point.
The one point that I would make to his comment - if I understood it correctly was "...maybe Net Zero is better than no fossil-fuels at all..." -- not all fossil based products are bad - we use then in every day life for all sorts of product lines.
It's just the practice of burning fossil-fuels for producing electricity and powering vehicles -that has to stop -- and can now that Tesla based "electronically produced" / clean electric power production has been perfected.
And I feel that practice has to end sooner than later -- if there is going to be any kind of environment left for "human enjoyment" as we know it.
We, i.e., humans - are really bad at adapting to environmental change in a quick manner, while History shows that the rest of the world - based on the known gyrations of environmental history - should "soldier on" as Mother Earth endeavors to heal itself - if we stop.