Evidence from the World Bank Does Not Inspire Optimism
The rich can afford to be ideological in their climate goals while the poor must be realistic and face the climate as it is i.e. they have their feet on the gound while the rich are looking at pie in the sky.
No. Rich countries should pursue cost effective climate goas just as much as poorer countries.
It is important to avoid two false dichotomies:
Adaptation vs Mitigations. No. The amount of mitigation necessary depends on the costs of adaption and vice versa. [https://thomaslhutcheson.substack.com/p/dont-forget-adapting-to-climate-change]
Adaptation vs Development. No. Cost effective adaptation is just one kind of cost effective, real income enhancing project.
The rich can afford to be ideological in their climate goals while the poor must be realistic and face the climate as it is i.e. they have their feet on the gound while the rich are looking at pie in the sky.
No. Rich countries should pursue cost effective climate goas just as much as poorer countries.
It is important to avoid two false dichotomies:
Adaptation vs Mitigations. No. The amount of mitigation necessary depends on the costs of adaption and vice versa. [https://thomaslhutcheson.substack.com/p/dont-forget-adapting-to-climate-change]
Adaptation vs Development. No. Cost effective adaptation is just one kind of cost effective, real income enhancing project.